We have all had those days where our motivation is just down and all we can think about is getting off work. Glancing at your table full of paper and zero plans to get started. Hopefully with some tips here, you will have some idea on how to get started and fight that inner laziness.
1. Build a to-do list
Of course, everyone has heard of making a to-do list. But Make sure to prioritise each homework too. Arrange them in order of importance. 1 being the essay closest to deadline. and 10 being updating your printer software. Each homework will be different and everyday is a new day so you won't be able to copy n paste this to-do list. Therefore, before the start of your day. Try and create a simple list of tasks you need to get done before the day ends.
2. Tune out distractions
Get rid of those pesky electronics!!! Put your phones on silent and close all those unnecessary tabs on your computer!!! Any distractions you leave on your table are items that end up using your unconscious side of your brain. Put on some headphones or lock your electronics away to ensure a peaceful studying environment.
3. Focus on one subject at a time
You may think that you are a great multitasker but that is not always true. Like previously mentioned, sometimes you have your off days. Plus when you work on many many tasks, you brain will keep interrupting itself and constantly reminding you of task A when you are doing task B, which, adversely affects your productivity. Therefore, your brain cannot keep up with all the subject you are handling. Similarly, you can group homework that are of the same subject, one after the other so that you do not have to think so hard when moving from one subject to another. Such as Biology after Chemistry then Maths, all Science related.
4. Take a break
It might seem counter-productive but occasionally taking breaks can help ease the mind off any stress or work that has been troubling you. A simple breath of fresh air out of the study environment can help reboot the brain and get the gears kicking again when you head back to work.
5. Let go of the perfectionism
It can be tempting to get all the work done to the 100%, it actually hinders your productivity. Focusing on one simple subject for hours can kill your energy and time left for the remaining subjects you have left. Try to give yourself a deadline, say 30mins for maths and you have to move on. If by the end you still have time left, you may come back to the homework and modify as necessary. Similar to those exam tips your teacher might have given you about coming back to questions you don't know how to answer.
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