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Alumni G Education Center
Guideline to our
Tsim Sha Tsui Center ➡️
Tsim Sha Tsui : Unit 05, 4th Floor, Austin Tower, No. 22-26 Austin Avenue
尖沙咀: 22-26 柯士甸路, 好兆年行,4樓405室 -
Causeway Bay: Pak Lok Commercial Building
銅鑼灣: 銅鑼灣道180號百樂商業中心 -
Sha Tin: Tower 1, Grand Central Plaza
沙田 : 新城市中央廣場1座
Tsuen Wan: Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building Sha Tsui Road
荃灣 : 恒生荃灣大廈
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